Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Trip to Goa

GS Ramesh

Becoming Senior Citizen and also becoming Grand Father is a very nostalgic feeling. My Grand Son was in Goa and obviously I went to Goa and I always felt that I am strong enough to hold my feeling, but somewhere God has created such bondage that my Grand Son pulled me to Goa and the trip was very enriching and a new learning of life.

I also had an opportunity to meet one of my old friend whom I met after 40 years. He happens to be the IG of Police. When I met him we discussed about our past and some of the learning I had with my Father was narrated by him which made me very emotional. He said that my Father was not only Father for Ramesh and my Brother and he was Father to all and he was the man who believed in forgiving. 

Honestly, I learnt this from my Father and during my career many times my Colleagues used to say that how come you forgive a person, who has back stabbed you. I always used to reply to them that this is Law of Karma, in the past there might have been certain conflict in relationship which has resultant into the present behavior by him. You may get angry and shout but never harm someone. The Philosophy taught to me by my Father was as a HR person the first Thumb rule you should have is never take a job of anyone because if you dismiss anyone behind him 4 people are there i.e. his Family and his Parents. Virtually you are kicking on so many people stomach, so if you are true HR try to rehabilitate him and change him.

Today most of the Industries is going through the issues wherein we try to exhibit our power to satisfy our ego and never try to look at the issue in a positive manner. It has to be accepted the fact that people are manipulating and trying to take advantage, but we should not get influenced by their behavior or so to say even understanding he is trying to manipulate, counsel him then leave him like that because God only decides the future of the people and it is their destiny what they bring for themselves.
May be all this are philosophical but in reality it happens many times. Manager feels depressed and frustrated by the behavior of others and when they feel they are helpless they take the course of Newton Third Law, “Action with Reaction”. If we avoid to have such reactions and work out a strategy to make other person realize by adopting positive discipline approach, most of the IR issues in the Industry can be avoided and the Manager of today can remain young even at the age of 60. They have to take the course are :

i.                   To be a good Listener
ii.                 To be more Proactive
iii.              To be a good emphasizer
iv.              Then To be a good solution provider

Hence Understand Yourself and Understand Others, to make your life More Peaceful and Beautiful.

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